
From Educator to Agilist

website banner for agile learning

New to agile? Want to learn more about my journey as an agile educator? Check out, a website I made while I was in the thick of teaching, learning, and transforming into an agilist.

Agile Book Club

More details coming soon!

1:1 Meeting Template

One on one meetings have been game changers throughout my corporate career. A good chunk of the time I have scheduled them or reached out to someone who is not my direct manager. 100% of the time those conversations have been productive and appreciated. Schedule it!

If you need some structure to add to the calendar invite agenda and a place to take notes, feel free to use my 1:1 Meeting Notes Template. I have primarily used it with my managers and skip levels, but it could certainly be amended for specific projects or conversations. Even if it’s mostly blank, showing up with a place to share notes illustrates serious initiative on your part! In a time when it seems like your meetings have meetings 😅 , demonstrating that you will take someone’s time judiciously and with careful attention means a lot!

Retrospectives make for a great start in agile and first step towards continuous improvement! Check out my tips and templates for implementing retros on your teams.

..and more resources to grow your craft!

Reach out to me if you or your team would like to attend an agile and/or education-oriented workshop. Designing and delivering learning experiences ranks among my greatest passions and strengths. I especially love curating it to meet your specific needs.

ScrumRVA Meetups

Join us on the last Tuesday of each month to connect, learn, and grow with our Scrum Alliance User Group - Richmond, VA, community. The connections I have made within this group quite literally changed my life and propelled my agile career! RSVP on Meetup

Agile Research Consortium for Schools

The ARC is a comprehensive container for all things related to pulling agile into education.